Vlk se nažral a koza zůstala celáCzechPronunciationVlk se nazral a koza zustala celaLiteral Translation The wolf ate and the goat remained wholeEquivalentsThis is how you express this idiom across languages and locales.ListMapAlbanianTë hysh në ujë e të mos lageshTo take a swim and not get wetChinese又要馬兒好,又要馬兒不吃草to want one's horse to run fast without letting it grazeEnglish+1Have one's cake and eat it tooGermanauf zwei Hochzeiten gleichzeitig tanzento dance at two weddings at the same timeGreekΤην πίτα ολόκληρη και τον σκύλο χορτάτο(Have) the pie whole and the dog fed123Login to correlate with other idioms